Sunday, March 23, 2008

Outstanding Program Manager - mind mapped

I spent quite some time on this one, but I believe it is worth it.

The only thing that I can tell you is that I prepared this mind map effortlessly. I don't have to crack my head to get all those information out.

In fact, I believe I have compressed almost every critical thing in this piece of paper on program management.

With this, I am in the middle of preparing my next e-book/e-course on program managers. I target that I will establish the complete Outstanding Program Manager Manual in 2 months' time. I haven't finalize the title of this e-book/e-course yet.

Please, give me some ideas on the title of this e-book/e-course, if you are willing to.

I am still adding more subtitles to this, but those available are the main ideas of becoming an outstanding program manager.

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