Sunday, March 23, 2008

Outstanding Program Manager - mind mapped

I spent quite some time on this one, but I believe it is worth it.

The only thing that I can tell you is that I prepared this mind map effortlessly. I don't have to crack my head to get all those information out.

In fact, I believe I have compressed almost every critical thing in this piece of paper on program management.

With this, I am in the middle of preparing my next e-book/e-course on program managers. I target that I will establish the complete Outstanding Program Manager Manual in 2 months' time. I haven't finalize the title of this e-book/e-course yet.

Please, give me some ideas on the title of this e-book/e-course, if you are willing to.

I am still adding more subtitles to this, but those available are the main ideas of becoming an outstanding program manager.

Mind Map sample on LTP (Long Term Plan)

This is a preparation that I drafted out for my long term plan, while I was in a new department in one of the largest Tier 1 EMS in China.

I completed this in less than 30 minutes' time.

This structure actually gave me a quick guideline on which are the areas to focus on in a new department very quickly. With the proper focus, I am able to pull the team and produce sound results very quickly.

Using only one color but different patterns, I am still able to have some "creativity" in the mind mapping graphic.

Sample of Mindmapping on Entrepreneurship

A quick structural list regarding entrepreneurship that I have captured during my MBA class 2 years back.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mind Map on Delegations

Another of the sample that I have created.

This is what I share with my team members about Delegation.

It is simple, easy to understand, and quick to be absorbed.

Examples of Mind Mappings that I have done up

This is one of the mind map that I have done.

I took 20 minutes to prepare this mind map for Q&A session for the Apple RFQ.
It consists of most of the critical information for the RFQ.
Hope this helps.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

My introduction on Mind Mapping

I have been using mind mapping for many years. And I have benefited on this foras long as I can remember.
Thanks to the extra ordinary guide given in Tony Buzan's books on mind mapping, I have learnt a great deal on mind mapping.

Mind mapping actually uses both our brain to map out almost anything that you want to think of. As you know, preparation work is the most important thing, before you start to work on anything. Personally, I used mind mapping to help me on preparation. And most of the time, I will get more that what I expected by using mind mapping to map out the things I want to do.

In fact, it is very easy to prepare a mind map once you get used to it. There are lots of guides in the internet to teach you how to use it. I will share with you a few on how to mind map in my next blog. In fact, there are whole lot of mind mapping templates & software that is being sold currently in the internet.

Personally. I have changed some of the principles of mind mapping to suit my style.
One significant change is the variety of colors. As I don't carry many color pens with me, I am forced to use only 1-3 colors.

How I do my own mind mapping? I am eager to share more with you & I am tempted to post as many of my personal collections as I can on the web. Hopefully, these samples can be your rough reference at a certain point.